I have not written much here lately. I am not sure why but there are times I question if I have a "voice". Perhaps this is part of my lack of words here. I am not sure how to start. Something in our church culture bothers me. We live in an age where all too often the voices we listen to have little letters after their names indicating points of educational achievements. The more letters, the more apt we are to read and listen. I am not anti-education but I do wonder if we short change ourselves and the life within our church communities by not only not listening to the words of those less-educated but by a silent, tacit dismissal of those who do not posses a string of letters after their names.
I subscribe to a journal dedicated to Christ-like transformation. I get excited whenever I receive a new issue and take my time reading it's thougt provoking articles in each edition. At the end of each article is a small head shot of the writer along with a very short biographic statement. In the nearly three years I've been receiving this journal all but one of these statements lists degrees, where they teach and what they've published. The question that arises in my mind is, would I listen as carefully to what was written had the article been by someone less accomplished?
On a personal note, several years ago I was asked to apply for a position at my church. The person asking knew my lack of formal degree. The job description given to me included the language "degree desired". Due to this language I felt comfortable going forward. I filled out an extensive job application and had a lengthy interview with the search committee. The position was offered to and accepted by another candidate. When his name was moved forward to our Elder Board (I was serving on it at the time) along with a final job description, the language associated with educational requirements was altered to read, "degree required." At the time this stung deeply, but God's will prevailed; the man chosen was the right person. We have, in these years since, become good friends, a man I trust.
When I asked about the change in language I was told it was believed our church would not accept someone without a degree. Often I have wondered about this, coming to the conclusion if Jesus or any of His disciples were to arrive on the scene today, I fear we would not listen well to what they would say. From man's perspective, none had the educational credentials needed to be heard.
Again, let me say this, I am not anti-education. There is much value in being led by men and women who have spent time and achieved educational proficiencies. What I am saying is there are other voices to be heard as well, men and women who reflect a deep intimacy with God and a spirituality that transcends educational achievements. They have a voice as well.
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, not sure if I would post this. Decided to go ahead and post this. Any thoughts?