Sunday, January 29, 2012


Just a few more thoughts out of John 10.

It’s a pen - a sheephold. Rocks stacked define the borders of the enclosure. It took a great deal of effort to build the pen; first locating, digging out of the clinging earth boulders of varying sizes then hauling to the place the pen would be built. The gagged rocks and boulders then stacked laboriously on upon another of a sufficient height to keep within the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd.

On the east side, facing the morning sun, an opening is allowed, a void in the rocky walls where a gate is built permitting ingress and egress. The gate is constructed of rough hewn timbers, precious wood in this arid land. There is an element of beauty to the pen with it’s rocky walls showing the jagged grey and brown hues and timbers revealing brown wooden striations. The engineering of the safekeep itself speaks of a beauty and love the Shepherd had in mind while constructing the pen. It is a place of refuge for those of us who know His voice.

The pen itself offers minimal safety. Predators could leap upon the enclosure if not for the Shepherd’s presence guarding the hold. We sheep crowded in the pen would be easy picking for the hungry predators. But the Good Shepherd stands guard, never sleeping, allowing us the peace of restful sleep.

At daybreak the Shepherd speaks rousing us to activity. He and He alone opens the gate and bids us follow Him. His voice echoing deep in our hearts leads us to pasture and water, His watchful eyes always on alert for us. We may wander off as we move here and there, but if we are careful to listenwe will hear His voice guiding us where to go.

It is in this listening where I find life, abundant life listening to the Good Shepherd’s voice.

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