This week
has been quite a ride. I am currently sitting on my front porch with a fine
cigar, tall glass of ice water in hand and the white glow of my computer
shining through dirty glasses as I try to piece together something cogent about
this week.
I have been
a loner most of my life so reflection and contemplation seem to come easily to
me, or so I thought. The intrapersonal world resonates with me and the entrance
into that world is simply being in a natural setting, thus I am outdoors as I
write. It was good to learn about these areas and how they speak and operate
for and to me. The framework has helped to define the areas and thereby shows
me the areas where I am weak.
As I said, I
thought reflection and contemplation came easy to me. I am sure they still do but I hit a wall this
week. After nearly constant reflection
through all the classes I’ve been through since January, I am empty of the
energy needed to listen well. I am listening to my body in this and I am
finding something beyond physical depletion. I seem to have come to the end of
something within me in regards to this inner life.
In listening
to my body, I am not finding angst over this apparent emptiness but rather
peace. It is okay to find the edge of myself where, without letting God expand
the border, I would not go any farther. I cannot push any farther but I am
residing on the border of as-far-as-I-can-go and the-territory-of-where-God-will-take-me-next. I am hearing Him tell me to rest on this
I am also
hearing I should not retreat. A retreat into indulgence to relieve this emptiness
would thwart the work God is intending. My past patterns when faced with
weariness is to indulge in something that blunts the aloneness of this kind of
desert. I sense Him inviting me to wait with Him on this desert edge and breathe
in the beauty of simply being with Him.
Timing is
critical, or the lack thereof. Checking my watch, metaphorically speaking, is
to mark the time and He is asking me to enter into His timelessness. When He
chooses to move me past the border is up to Him. In this holy timelessness I
find satisfaction and peace for the emptiness. It is not up to me to refill my
soul, I just need to drink from whatever cup He brings that will replenish what
is depleted.
gentleness directed towards myself, this would be an uncomfortable place. I
normally deal harshly with myself but some of this week’s work has been about
gentleness. This is a new and serene oasis I once thought was not for me. I am
liking this space God has created for me on the edge of what is to come.
It will probably not shock you that your blog brings to my mind a verse from Isaiah: "They that wait upon the Lord they shall renew their strength." I can't express to you enough how much this blog entry means to me tonight, as a reminder that sometimes we must wait on God's timing, and that we can rest in His timing. When we reach the end of ourselves, we then can see how his strength will lift us. I too have been feelin that end, and this article is such an envouragement! Than you. I love you brother!
ReplyDeleteJust noticed your comments here, Jeffrey. Thank you for your kind words. I love you too, brother.