No wonder Paul, in describing the Armor of God starts with a belt, the Belt of Truth. I am concerned though about where this desire for truth we have as part of our God-image-ness leads some. The Westboro Church of Wichita Kansas is planning on protesting the nine year old's funeral in Arizona. Harold Camping of Family Radio is buying billboard space in his radio markets proclaiming Jesus' return on May 21, 2011. I've know several folk so enamored by their ability to discern truth that they've become self-appointed "truth keepers" easily correcting others. There is a danger when our pride intermingles with out desire to know truth.
Since truth, the Belt of Truth, is so pivotal if we are to put on the full Armor of God, we need to keep in mind the basics of what might be intended regarding this belt. I think of three fundamental yet broad areas; the truth of who God is, the truth of who He says I am, the truth of who our enemy, Satan, is.
These are broad, general areas that have been written about for thousands of years and it is not my purpose to expound at any length here. What I do want to say is this; the more I learn, the more I discover, the more I live with the author of all truth, the more I am convinced at how little I really know. Paul's little phrase in Ephesians 3:8 "the unsearchable riches of Christ" brings me up short when I think I am "arriving". These riches, these truths are revealed. There is a mystery and wonder in knowing Him and the truth He leads me to that helps to keep deadly pride in check.
I am also reminded that it is not our correctness, our rightness about theology that leads others to Christ. Bashing others with truth rarely brings about the result intended. It is love. Jesus was pretty clear about that in His last talk before His arrest as recorded in John 14-17. The question for me then becomes, what do I do with the truth He's given me?
As I put on the belt, I am humbled by His example, by His words, by His love. I am humbled by how little I really know and how much I need Him to reveal truth to me.
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