Saturday, April 16, 2011

Random Writing Thoughts

I usually write in my journal, a cheap spiral bound notebook that fits well in my Bible cover, before I write here. Today I have the desire to simply write a bit about writing here.

I started this not knowing where it would go and who might look in and read. I wasn't sure who might wander in but I did have my original friends who said I should do this who would probably read here. I have some "flesh-on" friends who have told me they are enjoying what I am writing here and that always surprises me a bit. To be perfectly frank, I am fairly torn about this. I think in all of us is the desire to be noticed, to do something that is appreciated by others and at the same time we are a bit embarrassed when we get the notice. At least that is my experience.

There is a function here that allows me to see where people are from that have checked in and the frequency of pageviews. I am curious about some of you. There is someone in Malaysia who has read here several times. Albania is another country that is showing up. This past week someone in Columbia also has checked in a couple of times. Botswana is another country but I know who that is, I have a friend who lost his wife a year and a half ago who is now teaching there in Africa. Part of me is very curious about some of you.

There is a place to make comments but few have opted to say anything. I am not very good at all the different settings in blogspot and have not been able to make those comments appear under the postings. Perhaps conversations might ensue if I could do that. But again, there is this part of me, the insecurity I carry a bit too heavy in my heart, that may not want to read comments. It does leave me a bit curious though.

I've also noticed something else about how I've gone about writing here. I find myself struggling to "wrap it up" all neat and tidy. Lately this issue has kept me from writing some things. I've got some ideas rattling around in my head but I don't know how to wrap them up in neat little packages. I wait for that and the waiting caused me to stop for nearly a month. Interesting though, in that month of my quietude, more folk came to read here than any other time. I am curious about that.

So, I have ideas; three homeless men and a cigarette lighter, weeds, incarnation. I was sitting outside this afternoon reading a chapter of a book for a small group my wife and I are members of. At the same time I was reflecting on several of these ideas and decided I will just start to write about them and not worry so much about making neat, tidy packages of them. I've also decided, especially with the idea about incarnation, that I might need several posts.

I am not "trained" to really write about theology, that isn't really my intent and I know I might not get it "right". That isn't what this has ever been about, but there are times I wonder if I am not just now discovering things that everyone else already knows. That makes me giggle a bit inside. I added the little phrase under the blog title a few weeks back. It sort of sums up why I write here. I am just an ordinary guy looking for the transcendence of God in ordinary places....... like weeds.

I could have used some editing..... too many "really"s..... oh well. (edited Monday, 4/18/11)


  1. Write away, my friend. Messy is good! And now that I've met you, I enjoy your writing all the more because now I can "hear" your words as I read.

  2. having things "wrapped up" , neat and tidy often has kept me from putting things out there . . . It is always good to hear what is stirring you . . . whatever form and whenever it is finalized or not . . . Thanks!
