Saturday, February 15, 2020


You recently reminded me of this word in my slow meander with You in Isaiah.

               Though grace is shown to the wicked,
               they do not learn righteousness,
               even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil
               and regard not the majesty of the Lord.
                            Isaiah 26:10

Majesty. I love that word. The created world sings of majesty. From a sunrise to a sunset, from a thick forest to a lone tree, from Mt. Shasta to the Grand Canyon, from the roaring ocean to a single dew drop, from the tallest redwood to a single blade of grass, Your majesty is sung over the whole earth. The proliferation of interconnected life is majestic. And even this is a mere shadow of the majesty I may yet be shown in my eternal home.

How can one not see this? This awe and wonder has been stolen by our enemy who spews out the lie this all was not created by intelligent design but is mere happenstance of colliding atoms that accidentally came together to form something new. Our prolific earth, so precisely placed into space is an accident.

No, this cannot be so. Our little earth screams life, it can't help but sprout life. The awe and wonder at this, that so many have lost, leaves them bankrupt, empty of true life, a life abundant, offered by You, Jesus.

Again, I must say, if this world vibrates in the image of Your majesty, how much more glorious is Your true majesty? And yet Your grace shown to the wicked produces no righteousness. Evil continues, is actually sought after. This evil corrupts so that any real majesty is missed. Just missed, not overlooked, just missed.

Majesty, how I love this word. Maybe it is one of my favorite words, ranked up there with grace and mercy.

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