Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I come again to the idea of "room". Sometimes it is a function of time, making the time and place by intention. Sometimes though, it is coming to Him in the emptiness of our hands, free of any other encumbrances. There is room because we are bankrupt with little to offer but our brokenness. My hands are free to reach because I've got nothing in them. I've dropped the things I want to cling to the most. Clinging to my own agendas and ideas makes for a very hard life and leaves little room. There is that word again, ROOM.

I am thinking I don't need to "make room" but rather recognize the room already exists if I stop trying to fill it up with my own efforts, ideas and agendas. Today, for me to say, "Yes" to the question involves intentionally letting space exist in my heart and my soul. Sometimes that seems and feels difficult, emptiness craves a filling. Am I willing to live with that hunger for a while and let the "room" created by not filling myself up with less worthy lovers stay un-sated? In this season of excesses and, at times, melancholy, this requires intention. Not striving but intention to let Him in the hunger and be satisfied as He wants to satisfy.

Having room for Him is not always as comforting and comfortable as we might think.

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